Centrifuge De-Oilers and Dryers

Numerous industrial facilities use WMV de oiling and drying centrifuges to reduce their processing costs.

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Centrifuge De-Oilers and Dryers

Numerous industrial facilities use WMV de oiling and drying centrifuges to reduce their processing costs. The centrifuges are designed and constructed to provide many years of efficient, reliable, and cost-effective operation. The addition of a WMV centrifuge can raise profits, increase quality, and recover treatment solutions and oils in facilities that perform machining, electroplating, heat treating and many other processes. Perforated baskets are removed from the centrifuge and filled with parts or machining chips to be de oiled or dried. The loaded basket is inserted into the centrifuge and the operator closes the lid. When the lid is closed it is automatically locked and the centrifuge process begins. A light on the operator’s panel provides visual feedback that the machine is in operation. After a preset interval or manual actuation of the stop button, the centrifuge is quickly stopped using the motor as a non-wearing regenerative brake. Once the centrifuge is safely stopped the lid automatically unlocks to allow the operator to open the lid and remove the basket of material. In high production environments WMV transport hoists are utilized to automatically transfer baskets out of the line.
WMV engineers can also automate and combine multiple processes and machines to create a completely automatic processing cell.

Please download the PDF on our standalone centrifuge parts dryers and centrifuges.